Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Time is Flyinggg

I cannot believe our second week of class is almost over. Time is going back so quickly and I need it to slow down! Nothing too exciting has happened this week. In sculpture class on Tuesday we had to draw self portraits with our eyes closed by feeling our face and expressing what we felt on paper. During my first attempt she stopped me having way through and told me to start over. It seemed like the more your picture looked like a face, the worse it was. So on the next ones I basically just drew random lines all over the paper. Later in the class we had to describe an object to our partner and they had to draw it without telling them what it was. Everyone's drawings were really excellent this day... not. At the beginning of class we also had to turn in a drawing of our apples/grapes from last week. She went around and showed everyone's to the rest of the class. When she got to mine she said "oh this is very delicate it is very...interesting". Yeah she basically implied that mine was terrible. We painted our sculptures in class all day today and tomorrow we start an abstract sculpture. At least I can make this sculpture look however I want it to.

After Italian class yesterday, Maggie, Isabelle, and I went to the academia. We saw the David. It was awesome. I cannot believe the magnitude of that and how anyone could sculpt something like that after the troubles I've been having in class. We walked around the rest of the museum, but for the most part the David was the only interesting thing in there. Last night a big group of us went to the Piazza di Michelangelo, which overlooks the whole city, to watch the sunset. We barely made it in time but the view was amazing. It was a massive hike up to the Piazza but well worth it. We went to get pizza after the sunset and it was honestly the best pizza I've ever had. Nothing I eat in America is going to even come close to the pizza I had. It has spicy salame, tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil on it mmm sooo good. Tonight one of the guys from UNC is turning 20 so we are all going out to dinner together and then celebrating his birthday after. This weekend we are going to Positano on the Amalfi coast. We leave Friday early morning and get back late sunday, I can't wait!

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